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Workplace challenges & funding to help - Access to work

Louise Foddy

Updated: Dec 10, 2024


You can’t have ADHD, you’re too organised!

The expected workplace challenges someone with ADHD may experience include difficulties with organising, procrastinating, and prioritising tasks.

🚀However, many of my clients have successful careers, academic achievements and even compliments from colleagues about how organised they are; yet still feel a significant impact from their ADHD.

Recent research in 2021 shed light on this issue by studying those diagnosed with ADHD and those displaying ADHD-like symptoms.

📝Assessed using performance evaluations, attendance records, and job termination rates, the findings challenged the assumption that workplace difficulties result in reduced performance of those with ADHD.

Instead, the impact that many individuals reported was that ADHD undermined their ability to work efficiently and often prevented them from meeting their own high standards.

In essence, they appeared to be successful yet felt their achievements did not reflect their true potential.

What impact did ADHD have on individuals?

Ensuring to meet deadlines and other expectations despite the typical ADHD challenges, takes considerable effort and can result in working extra hours and weekends to compensate.

Adding in masking of symptoms as well can lead to a range of emotional impacts.

These include imposter syndrome, perfectionism, anxiety, and even burnout.

It's a hidden struggle that many individuals face.

The study offers several recommendations for workplaces to take supportive measures.

Examples include breaking down goals, offering quieter work environments/providing noise-cancelling headphones, and embracing flexible work arrangements.

Additionally, providing support from ADHD coaches can help.

A coach can support by providing ADHD education to better understand how their own ‘interest-based’ nervous system works and developing personalised strategies for managing the inconsistency and energy challenges of this condition.

Think noise cancelling headphones could help you focus? Want an ADHD coach to support you and help you understand your condition and ways to manage it? There is funding available for all these types of support from the governments Access to work scheme.

Fuermaier, A. B., Tucha, L., Butzbach, M., Weisbrod, M., Aschenbrenner, S., & Tucha, O. (2021). ADHD at the workplace: ADHD symptoms, diagnostic status, and work-related functioning. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128, 1021-1031.

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